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I’m Noah, I wear a lot of hats. Sysadmin, security engineer, developer, team lead/team therapist, project manager. You name it, I’ve probably done it.

What’s this for?

This blog is here to share my thoughts sometimes and post about some of the stuff I do.

Here’s a link to my Github and one for my LinkedIn and if you want to shoot me an email, there ya go.

Ok cool but what’s it made of?

This site was built using astro along with the wonderful astro paper theme. I’d love to say that I made it look this nice on my own but 90% of the work was done with the template.

Why the weird format?

Well, I wanted to make my content as accessible to as many people as possible. Far too many cyber personalities and blogs tend to make their content extremely heavy on the technical side. This makes it very difficult for the layperson, or somebody that’s just starting out, to understand the content.

I’ve been inspired by a few people in getting this idea started. Firstly, former CISA director Jen Easterly. Throughout her time as director she focused heavily on presenting a friendly face and worked hard to emphasize important cybersecurity concepts in an easy to understand way. She was fantastic at bridging the gap between technical experts and the layperson and I think did a tremendous service to the country.

Second is the amazing Brian Krebs, a “cyber investigative reporter”, he does an incredible job of dissecting complicated cyber topics and presenting them in easy to understand formats.

I enjoy teaching and I enjoy learning, and I can always improve in both my technical writing skills and communication skills so this is a great solution!